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Walk Across Canada And Support Cardiac Care In Alberta

Community Support For Healthcare Innovation Reaches New Heights

Edmonton, AB – February, 2, 2021 – Participants in the Maz Move-A-Thon will virtually walk across Canada throughout the month of February, Heart Month, and raise funds for the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute (Maz) through the University Hospital Foundation.

Fundraising teams will join together from February 1 -28 with a goal to collectively walk over 11 million steps and raise $22,500. These funds will advance technology, innovative procedures, and cutting-edge research that enables the Maz to provide the best patient care from diagnosis, to treatment or surgery, to rehabilitation. Those interested in starting / joining a team or making a donation can visit fundrazr.com/MazMove2021.

The Maz Move-A-Thon is run by staff at the University of Alberta Hospital’s Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, and will replace their annual Maz Spin-A-Thon fundraiser, allowing participants to get involved while following COVID-19 restrictions and protocols.

This community fundraiser is one of several fundraising events for the University Hospital Foundation this February for Heart Month to support cardiac care at the Maz.

Boston Pizza Northgate (9703 137 Ave NW Edmonton, AB) will again donate proceeds from their charitable Valentine’s Day program to the University Hospital Foundation in support of the Maz throughout February.

630 CHED Heart Pledge Day for the University Hospital Foundation, presented by Durabuilt Windows & Doors, is returning on February 24, 2021 from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm. A signature fundraising event, this live radio-thon occurs each February to raise funds for the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute. Listeners can tune in to 630 CHED throughout the day to hear inspiring personal stories from physicians, researchers, frontline healthcare providers and patients, all to raise awareness about the world-class cardiac care at the Maz.

Other February events include two behind-the-scenes Virtual Cardiac Expeditions. Two medical breakthroughs. Countless lives saved. This is a chance to hear directly from the doctors whose innovative approaches to life-threatening conditions has changed the lives of their patients.

All funds raised throughout the month will go to the Maz Innovation Fund to support the advancement of clinical programs, quality improvement, equipment and research.

“Community support was vital to building the Mazankowksi Alberta Heart Institute, and ongoing community support will ensure the Maz remains one of the world’s leading complex cardiac care centres,” said Dr. Jodi L. Abbott, President & CEO of the University Hospital Foundation. “We want to thank our generous donors, dedicated sponsors, and community event organizers, who continue to support this facility through the University Hospital Foundation.”

To learn more about the University Hospital Foundation’s Heart Month activities visit GiveToUHF.ca/HeartMonth.

University Hospital Foundation

The University Hospital Foundation raises and manages funds to advance patient care, research and healthcare innovation at the University of Alberta Hospital, the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute and the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, as well as research at the University of Alberta and care in the community though Alberta Health Services (AHS). For more information visit GivetoUHF.ca.

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