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Virtual Estate Planning Seminar

Join us for an exclusive afternoon of best practices, advice and benefits of estate planning from legal and financial planning specialists, Chaylene Gallagher and Mark Claffey. Our expert guests will share how a gift in your will can help you achieve your legacy plans while maximizing your tax benefits before the seminar is opened for a question and answer period.

You will also hear from the University Hospital Foundation’s Chief Development Officer, Sean Price, on the importance of estate giving and the life-saving impact giving a charitable gift in your will can have for generations to come. 

Presented by

Virtual Estate Planning Seminar – October 25, 2023 – Formstack

This Virtual Estate Planning Seminar will feature

Chaylene L. Gallagher

Mark Claffey

Sean Price


Bryan & Company LLP.

Investment Advisor

Edward Jones 

Chief Development Officer

University Hospital Foundation 

Register today for this opportunity to learn how you can start estate planning and leave a lasting legacy to health and healthcare through your will. We look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Estate Planning Seminar.