Created in 2022, “Heartway” is a strategic partnership between the University Hospital Foundation, Alberta Health and Novartis with key support from the Cardiovascular Health & Stroke Strategic Clinical NetworkTM.
Heartway seeks to improve outcomes for the 484,195 Albertans living with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) by introducing innovative and proactive approaches to secondary prevention. 1
Secondary Prevention of ASCVD refers to strategies aimed a reducing the probability of recurrent cardiovascular events (e.g., new heart attacks or new strokes) in patients with known Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is Alberta’s leading cause of death, and disease related hospitalizations in Alberta. 2
Secondary prevention efforts by way of medications, exercise, quitting smoking, losing weight can greatly decrease the chances of a second heart attack or stroke. 3
CVD presents a large financial burden on Alberta's healthcare system with costs estimated at $5.5 billion over the next four years. 4
There are currently 484,195 people living with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) in Alberta.
Four community-based Pilot Sites are developing and implementing cholesterol lowering interventions designed to fit with their practice environments:
Pilot Sites have designed Lipid Optimization Pathway Plans as quality improvement initiatives to support high risk individuals with established ASCVD. The focus is on engaging individuals in collaborative treatment approaches to reduce the risk of future cardiovascular events.
The Pathways consist of three key phases with the following objectives:
Pilot Sites are testing a Common Protocol based on the Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2021 Guidelines. The Protocol focuses on supporting ASCVD patients to reduce their cholesterol levels. The Common Protocol will be refined based on service provider and patient experiences of “what is working” and “what is not working” as identified during the evaluation process.
Heartway will share learning and best practices from pilot projects to support pathway scale-out across the province.
We are unique in that while we are rooted in a leading academic health centre, we are provincial in scope with a leading role in the health ecosystem, facilitating research and supporting innovation through partnerships.
Our position outside of government, the health delivery, research systems and industry enables us to work as a boundary spanning organization, to bridge knowledge gaps and serve as a catalyst to facilitate partnerships.
Our strategic plan, Ignite 2030 has set a course for us to boldly disrupt longstanding, traditional approaches to healthcare, we do that with partners to establish a collective vision and priorities for action.
Ignite 2030 emphasizes a commitment to patient experience, health equity, community-based care, multi-disciplinary models of care and wholistic ways of preventing illness.
We are invested in supporting transformational shifts such as Heartway to change the trajectory of ASCVD.
The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada leads the fight against heart disease, stroke and related conditions. Visit their website to learn more about:
High Cholesterol Prevention and Management
Risk & Prevention of Heart Disease
Lifestyle Risk Factors
The Portfolio Diet is an evidence-based eating plan to help lower cholesterol
Portfolio Infographic EN ( is a trusted source of health information built by the Alberta Government and Alberta Health Services. Visit this site for easy-to-understand videos on
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Screening and how you can lower your risk
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