Since 1962, the University Hospital Foundation has been a respected, successful catalyst for health transformation, raising funds to advance patient care and innovation at the University of Alberta Hospital, the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, and the Kaye Edmonton Clinic. Through transparency and accountability to you, our donors, we continue to lead the way in bettering health for Albertans.
The University Hospital Foundation’s Board of Trustees brings together passionate health advocates, serving as important ambassadors for leading-edge research, care, and health system transformation, whilst providing critical governance and oversight.
In fiscal 2023-2024 there were no payments made by the University Hospital Foundation for products or services to board members or to companies in which board members are an owner, partner, or senior manager.
Our Terms of Use demonstrates the University Hospital Foundations transparent commitment to privacy, and our accountability to both website users and donors. It provides several policies and explanations on how we handle information.
Annual reports are a valuable and essential tool for transparency, not only to the government entities to which we are accountable, but to our donors and supporters. Our audited financial statements fairly present the position of the University Hospital Foundation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial statements are audited annually by the accounting firm Grant Thornton LLP.
The University Hospital Foundation issues tax receipts in recognition of many different types of support, including monetary gifts (cash cheque, credit card, electronic funds transfer) or gifts of publicly traded securities (stocks, mutual funds). At a minimum, the Foundation will follow Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulations on tax receipting . In some cases, the Foundation will apply more stringent guidelines to provide clear, fair and accountable tax receipting for our donors and supporters.
The Foundation provides official income tax receipts for donations of $20 and over unless a tax receipt is specifically requested. This threshold is set to balance the above with the reality of the administration costs to process tax receipts.
Gifts in-kind are only accepted when our funding partners have identified a need for that specific item, or it will help us in our fundraising efforts (e.g., auction item).
Gifts of service are not eligible for a tax receipt; however, a cheque exchange may be arranged to facilitate a monetary gift back to the Foundation that can be receipted.
For donations to be receipted within a specific tax year, donations must be received by, or postmarked on or before, December 31st of that tax year. Digital tax receipts will be sent via email immediately after your donation is made online. Printed tax receipts will be mailed out prior to February 28th of the following calendar year. One tax receipt is provided per donation unless we are specifically requested to consolidate all donations for a tax year onto one receipt. Consolidated tax receipts will be delivered to the donor by February 28th of the following calendar year.
The tax receipt will be issued in the name of the payor of the donation. In other circumstances, where the provider of the gift asks the Foundation to issue a receipt in another name, the Foundation must be reasonably sure that the name it records on the receipt is that of the true donor. In these circumstances, the Foundation will request a written declaration as to the identity of the true donor from the party providing the donation.
Neither sponsorship nor event registration fees are eligible for tax receipts as there is a transactional component to payment. However, sometimes the Foundation can provide partial receipting (called “split receipting”) if we deem that the value received by the supporter is less than the price paid. if the specific circumstances meets the requirements set out by the CRA. Lottery tickets are never tax eligible for tax receipts.
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
Developed by:
Fundraising solicitations on behalf of the Foundation will:
Volunteers, employees and consultants who solicit or receive funds on behalf of the Foundation will:
The Foundation follows and abides by the Alberta Charitable Fundraising Act. Our fundraising staff will be compensated by a salary, retainer or fee, and will not be paid finders’ fees, commissions or other payments based on either the number of gifts received, or the value of funds raised. Compensation policies for fundraisers, including performance-based compensation practices (such as salary increases or bonuses) will be consistent with the Foundation’s policies and practices that apply to non-fundraising personnel. In the event a fundraising consultant is engaged, the same compensation guidelines will apply.
The Foundation’s Board will be informed at least annually of the number, type and disposition of complaints received from external stakeholders about matters that are addressed in this Ethical Fundraising & Financial Accountability Policy.
Charitable Registration No. 88900-3240-RR0001
Accredited nonprofits have completed a rigorous independent peer review of their operating and governance practices. The Imagine Canada Accreditation Trustmark lets donors and volunteers know that when supporting an organization, their goodwill
is in good hands.
As one of six organizations in Canada to receive such recognition in 2020, this designation is a testament to our commitment to our mission – to advance excellence – in everything we do, including our daily operations and financial integrity.
© 2025 University Hospital Foundation. All Rights Reserved.